Sunday 28 March 2010

The Charles Linden Scam Debate Finally Quashed

Where do these rumours start in the first place?

There seems to be a lot of people on the Internet searching for the words 'Linden Method Scam'. I must admit that this has somewhat infuriated me as you'll soon discover.

Editor Note: By the way if you'd rather not hear my ramblings on the subject and see for yourself the 100's of real life testimonials which completely quash these silly scam rumours then Click Here to Visit The Linden Method Site

Unfortunately the Internet gives many people who would otherwise be very quiet a free reign to voice their opinion on products and services which they have had a bad experience. And in the case of the Lindon Method Scam it too appears to be another stroy touted around the Internet with no evidence to back it up. (I bet you haven't found anything yet!)

Well, I know you won't because my sister who has suffered severely in the past with panic attacks. This was a perfectly normal lady who had until her early 20's been the life and soul of the party and after a number of accidents, one of which nearly left her dead, resulted in her fear of travelling in cars. So, it was a mixture of a phobia, but when she knew she 'had' to travel somewhere by car it would bring on a very severe panic attack. The result of all all this meant she lost all her self confidence and retreated into herself.

Thankfully, one of her friends had read about the Linden Method in an in-flight magazine and decided to do some research on my sisters behalf. And eventually she persuaded my sister to give the system a try.

Now, 6 months later, my sister is totally unrecognisable.....but in a good way. She is back to her former self and she is now one of the 120,000+ people who have benefitted greatly by the Linden Method. Not only has my sister overcome her anxiety attacks but as a result our family as a whole has also had a dark cloud lifted from over them as they too had worried so much about my sister.

So, keep an open mind and try and avoid the negative things about the Linden Method Scam. I've seen first hand how much of a difference it can make to someones life.......a life changing difference too.

CLICK HERE to learn more about how The Linden Method can help you, a friend or a member of your family.

Image: graur codrin /

1 comment:

  1. Seems fishy that there is only one post on this blog and it is plugging the linden method... people who have ocd can be treated but I think the claims on the linden website saying it can be magically cured in two weeks after paying a load of money are pretty suspicious.
    Anyone with OCD reading this, you can find better info and cheaper advice elsewhere.
